
28 Dec, 2010
SYED MUJAHID KAMRAN George Orwell wrote in his novel 1984: “There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they...
22 Dec, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran It is undoubted that the US is run by corporate cabals dominated by unscrupulous Zionists and their agents and collaborators, all working in unison for the wealthiest families of the world - the elite. These cabals have relentlessly developed a culture of unconstitutional...
16 Dec, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1777-1836) once boasted at a party: "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the...
9 Dec, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran The present global war on terror is about money, wealth and empire. Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." This control was wrested from the people of America through the Federal Reserve Act of...
30 Nov, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, shook the entire world. He was shot while waving to cheering crowds in Dallas, Texas, the home state of his Vice President and successor Lyndon B Johnson. President Kennedy’s murder was the result of a...
26 Nov, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran The US is today, albeit temporarily, the world's foremost power. It is a country whose people are blessed with wonderful qualities of the head and heart. They are honest, hardworking problem solvers, large-hearted, decent and deeply innocent. The emergence of the US...
21 Nov, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran Abdus Salam, Pakistan’s only Nobel Laureate, won the 1979 Nobel Prize for his contribution to unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces. Before doing his PhD, Salam achieved the rare distinction of a double Tripos with first classes in both physics and...
10 Nov, 2010
The control of the US by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. The elite owns the media, banks, defence and oil industry. In his book, Who's Who of the Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr states: "It is my opinion that they own the...
2 Nov, 2010
SYED MUJAHID KAMRAN According to press reports the Canadian government has requested the Government of Pakistan to allow it to use Pakistani military bases, ostensibly for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The Canadian request was filed after the UAE terminated the base facilities it...
19 Oct, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran On October 12, 2010, TheNation reported that the US was pressurising Pakistan not to implement its agreement with Russia against Afghan drug traffickers. Is this pressure merely intended to save the skin of Karzai’s brother and other Afghan drug barons, or is there a...
12 Oct, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran The United States was once regarded as the land of liberty and opportunity. It has however slid, inexorably, relentlessly, and irreversibly, into its present-day role as a country whose government has embarked on an imperial project of worldwide conquest, plunder and...
28 Sep, 2010
Syed Mujahid Kamran One of the keenest observers of the contemporary US political landscape, Michael Ruppert, wrote in 2005: "False flag terror attacks, a fake war on terrorism, routine political murders, stolen elections, and Republican traffic in pedophilia remain causes for outrage...